Gaza: The Child Centre Concludes Training for Early Childhood Professionals

Home In Qattan News Gaza: The Child Centre Concludes Training for Early Childhood Professionals

The Child Centre-Gaza/AMQF recently concluded a training course for early childhood professionals titled, “Academic Planning for Kindergartens”. 30 early childhood teachers participated at the training, which focused on a number of subjects: understanding the concept of planning, developing teacher action plans based on SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), building Smart Objectives, and determining obstacles facing kindergarten teachers during plan development. 


The training, which ran for a total of 16 hours, was held within the framework of the AMQF project, “Laying the Foundations for the Future Cognitive, Social, Emotional and Physical Development of Children through Early Childhood Programs”. The course was co-funded by Save the Children International.



Rana Joudeh, Director of Karameesh Kindergarten, and one of the participants at the training, said, “The subjects covered [in the training] were new and essential to us. The course helped us keep up with the latest in education practice, especially in terms of planning”.


Joudeh called for more training opportunities that give early childhood teachers greater trust in their field of work.