Gaza: The CCG Children Participate in the City of Science Exhibition in the Context of the Palestine Festival for Childhood and Education

Home In Qattan News Gaza: The CCG Children Participate in the City of Science Exhibition in the Context of the Palestine Festival for Childhood and Education


Children of the Robot Engineers Programme and Qattan Science Club of the Child Centre – Gaza (CCG) / A. M. Qattan Foundation (AMQF) participated in the City of Science, an interactive science and technology exhibition of the Palestine Festival for Childhood and Education. The festival was organised by the Educational Sciences Department of the University College of Applied Sciences.  


Children explained their science and technology exhibits, which they designed and built at the CCG. The exhibits were widely admired by the audience.


Ahmed al-Rafati, a 12-year-old member of the Robot Engineers Programme, and his colleagues were busy explaining the robot they programmed. This robot classifies colours by an ultrasonic sensor that determines distance and a colour sensor that detects colours.


Expressing his pleasure to participate in the exhibition, Al-Rafati said: “At first, I was shy. I wished I could say everything, all at once. Later, I managed to overcome shyness. I am so happy I have gone through this experience, which I will never forget.”


Raghad al-Zarad, 14 years old, and her member colleagues of the Science Club, explained their science project, which comprised a fire alarm system at labs. It senses temperature and sounds an alarm to warn people in the lab.


Engineer Muhannad al-Nunu, member of the Festival Preparatory Committee and Manager of the City of Science Exhibition, described the CCG participation in the festival as special and effective. The CCG enriched the City of Science with innovative science experiments and exhibits, which were made with simple tools and produced by children.


Salah al-Din Tayeh, Programme Manager at Islamic Relief Palestine, expressed his admiration of children’s presentations. “The variety of experiments and models is beautiful. It shows that the CCG is the right environment to develop children’s creativity.” Tayeh said.


“I felt how eager, collaborative and self-confident children were by the way they presented and explained their products. I hope that they become scientists and innovators both in the Palestinian society and on an international level.” Tayeh concluded.


Following his tour around the exhibition, Dr. Rif’at Rustum, Chair of the Educational Sciences Department, commended the CCG effort to support innovation and creativity, as well as contribution to creating an informed, educated generation of future community leaders.